- What do you understand by I/O behavior of a System?
- Discuss the usage I/O function in functionality of any system? Give examples.
- What do you understand by State transition? Also discuss briefly formulation of a trajectory in any system
- Explain the concept of segment and trajectories. Provide a pictorial representation of Input ,output ,state trajectories explaining how these trajectories change with time base.
- Segments of a system can be differentiated into different categories.
- Discuss various kind of segments explaining their application.
- What do u understand by Observation frame? When is it used state with example?
Advantages and Disadvantages of EIS Advantages of EIS Easy for upper-level executives to use, extensive computer experience is not required in operations Provides timely delivery of company summary information Information that is provided is better understood Filters data for management Improves to tracking information Offers efficiency to decision makers Disadvantages of EIS System dependent Limited functionality, by design Information overload for some managers Benefits hard to quantify High implementation costs System may become slow, large, and hard to manage Need good internal processes for data management May lead to less reliable and less secure data