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FRAME Html provides a facility to divide a web page into several blocks is known as frames. Each frame may display a separate web page and html document window in a one browser.  All browsers do not support the frames. The general use of frame is to have the menu in one frame and other frame contain the data. When user click on menu frame and data is displayed in corresponding frame.   Frame is started by using tags <frameset> and ends with </frameset>. Frame layout Frameset tag requires two attributes in which the screen is divided into rows and columns. Row-this attributes is used to divide page into multiple column or horizontally. Value of row is indicating the height of frame. For example-                 Rows=”20%,”                 Rows=”30%, 40%, 30%” Column- this attributes is used to divide ...


HTML COMMENTS HTML comments start with <! -- And end with -->. Each and every thing written within these characters will be ignored by the browsers. These are used to explain the purpose the HTML tags used in the documents. It can be used anywhere in the document. Following is the general syntax:- <! -- comment text --> TEXT FORMATTING PARAGRAPH HTML provides a <p> tag, which is used to start a new paragraph, escaping one line between new line and previous line. Following is the general syntax:- <p> this is a new paragraph </p> HEADING A web page contain different heading with different sizes, color and fonts. HTML provides different tags for such headings. There are 6 levels of headings h1 to h6, where h1 is the largest in size and h6 is the smallest. <h1> heading 1 </h1> <h2> heading 2 </h2> <h3> heading 3 </h3> <h4> heading 4 </h4> <h5> heading 5 </h5> <h6...

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Fundamental of HTML HTML HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup language. It is the primary language used to encode documents containing hyperlinks. It provides simple mechanisms for formulating text, creating links and lists inserting images, embedding audio and video etc. Its first version was released in 1991 by Tim Burners Lee, the founder of WWW.  It is an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a standard that specifies a formal mete-language for markup documents.  Any simple text editor such as notepad in Windows or simple Text in Macintosh can be used to create and edit HTML files. §   HTML documents are written using HTML “Tags”. §   Tags are embedded in angular brackets. §   HTML tags are case-insensitive. §   Tags are organized in hierarchical order. §   Documents are linked by special tag called anchor tags. §   Anchor tags are also called hyperlinks. §   HTML documents are view...