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Showing posts from March 30, 2010

Importance Of MIS In Organizations

In today's scenario MIS plays a pivotal role in Organizations. Organizations worldwide makes extensive use of MIS.Its desgined by the top management of an organization, is a tool to assembling & accumulating facts & figures of all the important business processes. MIS is a very vast topic , its very difficult to cover the whole in one article. Thus here are some of the major importance / advantages of MIS in organizations: The organization that uses MIS is able to record ,process, route & tabulate all important business transactions. As & when need arises the organization is able to incorporate the needed changes & improvements in the area of concern. MIS facilitates informed DECISION MAKING.It usuallly represents a number of options from which one can choose the best. The top management ANALYSES whether its resources are being utillized optimally. A TWO WAY COMMUNICATION FLOW is greatly enhanced by the MIS. The management freelytells the jobv responsibili...