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SHAREWARE Shareware is software, which is made available with the right to redistribute copies, but it is stipulated that if one intends to use the software, often after a certain period of time, then a licence fee should be paid. Shareware is not the same thing as free and open source software (FOSS) for the two main reasons: 1.        The source are not   available 2.        Modification to the software is not allowed. The objective of shareware is to make the software available to try as many users as possible. This is done in order to increase prospective user’s will to pay for the software.  The software is distributed in binary form and often includes a built-in timed mechanism, which usually limits functionally after a trial period of usually one to three months.


FREEWARE The term freeware has no clear definition, but is generally used for software, which is available free of cost and which allows copying and further distribution, but not modification and whose source code is not available. Freeware should not be mistaken for open source or for free software. Freeware is distributing in binary form without any licensing fee.In some instances the right to use the software is limited to certain types of users, for instances, for private and non –commercial purposes.   Freeware is often used in marketing situations in order to sell additional products and to gain market advantages. One example is Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is made available as freeware. PROPREITORY SOFTWARE Proprietary software is the software that is neither open nor freely available. Its use is regulated and further distribution and modification is either forbidden or requires special permission by the supplier or vendor. Source code of pr...

Internet cont.

Technology  that  lead  to  Success  of  Internet Concept of technology in Internet that lead to success of Internet. In 1972, e-mail was invented by Ray Tomy Linson as a first application of internet. ' @ ' sign was introduced to symbolized e-mail address. Since then it have been most popular and inexpensive network application up to date that is responsible for the bulk of traffic on internet. E-mail has played a pivot role in the development of internet protocol, technical standards and internet engineering. It has changed  the way to communicate even with remote peers. File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) It is an another important application of internet apart from Telnet. Telnet is an application of creating a virtual terminal on a remote machine using telnet you can access the host computer irrespective of your location. FTP has been used to exchange files among remote locations. Inspite of evolution of internet it is still a very important ap...


Internet is defined interconnected network of  thousands of network and millions of computers linking business, educational institutions, govt. agencies and individuals together. The word internet itself has been derived from the word '' inter-network .'' World Wide Web is one of the most popular service that provide access to billions of pages. Internet has evolved in the last 40-50 years. The history of internet can be divided into 3 Phases- 1.Innovativeness (1961 - 1974) 2.Institutionalization (1975 - 1995) 3.Commercialization (1995 - till date ) 1. THE INNOVATIVENESS PHASE :       In the innovation phase the fundamental buildings blogs of internet where conceptualized. Some of the building blogs are : Client server computing. Communication protocol i.e Transmission control protocol or Internet protocol. Techniques like packet switching. The original purpose of internet was to link together the main frames and other computer in different computers. ...

E-Commerce Question Bank

E-Commerce Question Bank E-Commerce Question Bank 1. What is the difference between e-commerce and e-business portal? 2. Discuss the seven unique features of E-commerce technology? 3. Discuss E-commerce I and II? Contract their pros and cons? 4. Discuss evolution of Internet in detail? 5. Discuss C2C model in detail? 6. What do you understand by EDI? 7. Explain working of EDI with example? 8. How can EDI be used by a a. Manufacturing company b. Courier Company 9. Discuss potential limitations of e-commerce in detail? 10. What are the basic components of EDI? How does it work? 11. What are the benefits of the EDI? What are possible challenges? 12. What is information symmetry? 13. Give examples of B2C,B2B,C2C,P2P? 14. How are the Internet and the web similar to or different from other technologies that have changed commerce in the post? 15. Discuss key technologies of WWW? 16. What are benefits of having universal standard? 17. Describe the five primar...

E-Commerce Notes # 1-5

FTP - File transfer Protocol ISP - Internet Service Provider DNS - Domain Name Server Revolution Change Digital Enabled Transaction -All transactions that are mediated by digital technologies Commercial Exchange of value between or across organizational or individual boundaries in return of a product or service for a commercial transactions What is the difference between E-Commerce & E-Business E-Business Digital enablement of transaction & process within a firm involving information system under control of firm. e.g. : online inventory control, LMS - Leave Management System, EMS - Employee Management System. E-Business turns into E-Business when there is a commercial value added to it. <<DIAGRAM>> Information Asymmetry Geographical Boundaries Information about price/cost/fees are hidden from consumers creating a profitable hidden information asymmetry. This creates a disparity in relevant market information that confuses the customers. The ...

E-Commerce Notes #12

Custom Search UDP - User datagram protocol (most used protocol). www is based on this protocol. Network Interface Layer is a club of physical layer and protocol of data packet flow. DHCP - Dynamic Host Controller Protocol , provides dynamic IP address to the once requesting for it. ICNM - Governs the IP address. Routers - Helps packets to reach the destination (in local level), bridges (in regional), gateways (in national level ) Transport Layer decides the how they are going to flow, like session, security, and data path. Application Layer is which has the interface with the user, which arranges the data packets in the correct order. Important topics : Layers of TCP/IP Their functionality Benefits of using TCP/IP Definition of IP address, Domain name, DNS, route servers - are the central directories that list all the domain names that are currently in use. The DNS server consults the rou...

E-Commerce Notes #6

Phases of development of e-commerce : E-commerce phases can be broadly classified E-Commerce I - Period of explosive growth (1995-2000) E-Commerce II - Current Era (beginning 2001) Vision behind E-Commerce I  : Existence of internet : availability of PCs, LAN Starting of Bertrand market: It’s a market where price, cost, quality  info. Is equally distributed, where infinite set of suppliers compete against one-another. Merchants have direct access to all relevant market info. Worldwide.   Development of shopping  bot : It’s a program that automatically searches web for best prices and delivery times. Cost of searching fell : There was a limit that end of wasteful ad campaigns which were meant to ….   Reduction of info. Asymmetry   Dis-Intermediation : Implies disappearance of market middleman, i.e. displacement of market middleman who traditionally are intermediaries between producer and the consumer by ...

E-Commerce Notes #11

Business Strategies   are set of plans for achieving superior long term returns on capital invested in a firm. It includes strategies for making profit in the competitive environment in the long run. This profit represents economic value (Economic Value is created when a customer is willing to pay for a product with a price which is more than the cost of the product) Four strategies that are commonly used are based on : Differentiate strategy - Refers to the different ways through which a producer can make the product unique & different to distinguish them from competitors. Opposite to differentiation is commoditization - when there's no difference in products and services and the only basis of choosing a product is price. In such a situation when the price alone is a parameter for competition. There are many sellers and buyers in the market and there is a great fall in the price of the product eventually the price of the good falls t...

E-Commerce Notes #10

C2C Usage of tech. to enable customers to share resources with each other. Major revenue model : subscription, transaction fees and advertisements M-Commerce : With the wireless tech. its possible to conduct transactions on a mobile. Revenue model : sale of goods. E-Commerce enablers : hardware : Web Servers from IBM , Oracle , DELL ; Software : OS, Server Software from Oracle (technology). E-Commerce software system that enables B2B and B2C. Networking  products like routers from CISCO. CRM softwares : Online payment system : Paypal, Cybercash, etc. Seven unique features of e-commerce technology : Ubiquity - No regional boundary, new market channels has been created causing expansion in the size of overall market, resulting in improved efficiency by lowering the cost of operations. Like travelling, and inventory mngmt. Cost is zero. Global Reach - Low cost entry in global market Universal standard - E...