IP Addressing: IP Address is of 32 bits. Eg : No 2 system can have same IP as network conflict occurs. Address space IPV 4 is 2 32 Notations 1. Binary notation – 0&1 2. Dotted decimal notation -0-9 3. Hexadecimal-0-15 Types of IP Addressing 1. Class Full addressing: IP address space is divided/classified into 5 classes A,B,C,D and E. Address space of class A-2 31 Address space of class B-2 30 Address space of class C-2 29 Address space of class D-2 28 Address space of class E-2 28 Problems in Class A and B Host Id remains fixed & net id changes, 3 net id are there in class A and 2 net id in class B and so it is difficult to change it again and again. A & B-small organization C- large organization D -military, for multicast addressing E-reserved for fu...
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