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  E-Commerce (Assignment) 1. What is the future of Indian E-commerce? 2. What are the key drivers for Indian e-commerce? 3. Case Studies Retail,Travel,Auctions. 4. Advantage and Disadvantages of E-commerce? 5. What are the enablers of Indian e-commerce?

Different Revenue Models:

1)    SALES REVENUE MODEL- A company gets the revenue by             selling goods, information or services.          Examples:          Marketplaces-                                  Live-shopping- iBood          Shopping Clubs- brand4friends                             2)    ADVERTISING REVENUE MODEL- A company provides a forum for advertisements and receive...


PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE A public key infrastructure (PKI) supports the ·        Distribution and identification of public encryption keys ·        Enables users and computers to exchange data over networks   ·        Verify the identity of the other party ·        Enables people and businesses to utilize a number of secure Internet applications. For example, secure and legally binding emails and Internet based transactions, and services delivery can all be achieved through the use of PKI Key Elements of PKI:- A trusted party( certificate authority (CA) )- act as a root of trust and provides services that authenticate the identity of individuals, computers and other entities A registration authority (subordinate CA)- certified by a root CA to issue certificates for specific uses permitted by the ro...