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Using Google Analytics with R ( RGoogle Analytics)

Steps 1. Go to 2.  Create a new Project 3. Go to  API and select Analytics API  (used in this e.g.) 4. Go to Consent Screen and fill the appropriate product name and save 5. Go to credentials and creat a new client ID Make sure u enter the website URL properly 6. Now run the following R script R Script require(RGoogleAnalytics)"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" client.secret="xxxxxxxxxxxx" token ValidateToken(token) query.list           = "2014-02-10",                    dimensions="ga:date,ga:pagePath,ga:hour,ga:medium",                    metrics = "ga:sessions,ga:pageviews",                    max.results=500,                    sort="-ga:date", ...

JSON Implementations in HTML5

JSON: HTML5 Game Implementations JSON helps in getting image data. Example: Image files name, width & height, etc It is very light weight java data interchange format based on JavaScript object format. It is Easy to implement as compare to XML. JSON used to parse the object and JavaScript help in execute those parsed object. Example: JSONExample="frames": {                         "chaingun.png": {                            //File name                                     "frame": {     ...

JSON Basics

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation A Great Implementation in HTML5 Game Development. If you are a game developer then JSON is a very important name in your kitty. JSON basically originated from the JavaScript. It is represented with the two primary data structures i.e. Order List (Array) and Objects pairs. JSON is a light-weight text oriented data-interchange format. It is easy to implement as compare to XML. It is widely use format over the WWW. JSON is language independent and its data structure, array and objects are universality accepted. These structures are supported in some way by most of the modern programming languages like Python, Perl, ASP, ABAP, C, C++, C#, Lisp, COBOL, Ruby, Java, PL/SQL, Objective C, and many more. Basics of JSON : 1.       Object : In this values are separated by comma (,). Property of these objects can be accessed by its object name followed by property  name or by using array.      ...