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Type Selectors ·        Universal Selector CSS has a special selector (*) which means it matches every   element in the document. This selector is useful in when name of elements are unknown while developing the style sheet. For example:- * {color: green; } ·        Descendent selector This selector is also known as contextual selector. In style                   sheet it is applied to a particular element only when it lies inside a particular element. It provides a better way to apply style to very particular elements. This selector is consisting of one or more selector separated by white spaces. ·        Child selector This is similar to the descendent selector. It selects the element which is just immediate children of the specific element. It is denoted by the >. It can ...

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Fundamental of HTML HTML HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup language. It is the primary language used to encode documents containing hyperlinks. It provides simple mechanisms for formulating text, creating links and lists inserting images, embedding audio and video etc. Its first version was released in 1991 by Tim Burners Lee, the founder of WWW.  It is an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a standard that specifies a formal mete-language for markup documents.  Any simple text editor such as notepad in Windows or simple Text in Macintosh can be used to create and edit HTML files. §   HTML documents are written using HTML “Tags”. §   Tags are embedded in angular brackets. §   HTML tags are case-insensitive. §   Tags are organized in hierarchical order. §   Documents are linked by special tag called anchor tags. §   Anchor tags are also called hyperlinks. §   HTML documents are view...

Fundamental of Web Services

FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB SERVICES WEB SERVICES:- A   Web service   is a method of interaction between two devices over the  WWW . It is a software tool provided on internet which helps us to create client-server service. It is a software system designed to support interoperability with various machine interaction over a network. The web service replies in a language called WSDL (Web Service Description Language).    Some of its features are:- They are application components They  communicate with open protocols They  are  self-describing It can be used by various applications The basis for web services are HTTP and XML Working of web services The client sends a request to the server  The Request is  encoded in XML format  The Function (GET, POST…)is inserted in the file  The server receives and decodes the file  The received function is executed  A new XML file is enco...

HTTP Header (continued)

Headers HTTP headers are very important part of both request message and response message. They mainly specify the characteristics of the resource requested and the data that are provided. For example-a client may want to accept image files only in some specified format. Similarly, the server may provide additional information about the resource being sent such as the length of the message or the last modification date of the resource. Headers are separated by an empty line from the request and the message body. it consists of a single line or multiple lines. Each line is a single header of the following form: Header-name: Header-value The headers may be of two types: ·          HTTP Request header format- the request header consist of three parts:  General header, request header and entity header.  General Header  Request Header    Entity Header        ...