1. A Short Introduction to Queueing Theory Author : Andreas Willig , Technical University Berlin , Telecommunication Networks Group Publication Date : July 21, 1999 Book Excerpts: This document is intended to be a short introduction to the field of queueing theory, serving as a module within the lecture Leistungsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen of Prof. Adam Wolisz from the Telecommunication Networks Group at Technical University Berlin . It covers the most important queueing systems with a single service center, for queueing networks only some basics are mentioned. This script is neither complete nor error free. In this script most of the mathematical details are omitted, instead often "intuitive" (or better: prosaic) arguments are used. Most of the formulas are only used during a derivation and have no numbers, however, the important formulas are numbered. The author does not ...
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