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Showing posts with the label child abuse

Child Abuse in School

I read in the Hindustan Times dated 23rd March ,2011 that a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) has been filed in the Delhi High Court by lawyer Sanjeev Sabharwal. The PIL is said to be based on a News Report, " Delhi Kids on Dangerous high" published in the Hindustan Times on 16th March, 2011. The Petition asks for restricted access of: 1. Eraser Fluid 2. Naphthalene balls 3. Pain relieving balms 4. Nail paint remover 5. Paint thinner Later in Hindustan times dated 4th April, 2011 I read that the petition filed before the Hon'ble Delhi High Court has asked the Government and Schools to take steps to check Inhalant abuse among children. In my opinion parents as well as School teachers DO NOT KNOW MUCH ABOUT INHLANT ABUSES.. My effort is to bring into the notice of school teachers and particularly parents to know much more about this epidemic which has brought in front by renounced lawyer Sanjeev Sabharwal. All this was s...

Reasons for Sniffing [Child Abuse cont...)

SNIFFING ( Backround) The habit of sniffing is old dated. In ancient times people were in habit of sniffing of Eetter(इतर ) ( a kind of perfume), burning spices(अगरबती ), clay, mud , leaves of organic plants, even human bodies and all type of such inhaling was harmless. It is a matter of surprise that all these solvents were used frequently even in religious ceremonies. It is in our culture to perform religious ceremonies as per traditions adopted from ages. But it was difficult in ancient times to find out the reasons as to why an individual is feeling so high after sniffing a particular fume. Even the sticks of Aggerbati अगरबती and Dhoop धूप also emanate such adore which affect the stimulant elements of human bodies. In older times even adults were seen sniffing something. It was a kind of powder a pinch of which was snuffled by adult at frequent intervals It is called Snuff (नसवार ). Even today this (नसवार ).is being used in rural areas but is...

Addictive Substance [Child Abuse cont..)

In all the above components one or the other is necessarily harmful to the health in one or the other way. Because our topic is Nail Paint remover it is therefore not being discussed in detail here. NAIL PAINT REMOVER: ( Our subject matter as reported in HT) It is an organic solvent. Although nail paint removers can be packed in different ways but mostly these are available in form of bottles. A very powerful solvent known as acetone is inter alia used in nail paint removers. In fact organic liquids such as benzene , Carbon tetrachloride etc. are harmful for children. When inhaled these may cause intoxication and also may harm kidney, liver and brain because of prolonged use as inhaling. Acetone used in this product is rather more toxic. It may have following health effects: 1. .The apparent effect can be seen on the skin in form of redness, rashes , itching, and irritating. 2. If inhaled regularly for a prolonged period it may be the reason of ...

Use of drugs causing drug addiction [Child Abuse cont...)

The reason excessive use of following drugs (used as medicines) LSD Mandrax Pethidine It therefore becomes important to explain what these drugs are; LSD LSD is short form of Lysergic acid diethylamide . This is just a synthetic drug famous for its properties which produce an effect of feeling High after consuming it wither in the form of tablet or liquid. If consumed in a sufficiently large dose, LSD produces delusions and visual hallucinations that distort the user's sense of time and identity. It makes a person to feel tantalizing (तरसना ) for some help Although LSD is not considered an addictive drug- because it does not create compulsion of seeking more drugs as is seen in case of cocaine, heroin etc. But LSD users are compelled to increase the required dose to feel the desire effects of hallucinogen ion. - The Risks of using LSD As no body can predict what are the risk in taking a poison unless it is known as to what amount of poison has be...

The Problems and Reasons of Child Abuse

CHAPTER -2 The Problems and Reasons PROBLEMS Problems in the present context are not easy to be identified because of the fact that the solvents and gases are used in hundreds of legally available products at every shop and on very cheap rates. Such products have become in one or the other way a necessity in our day to day life. Have a look around your self and your house and you will find hundred of products lying in your house which have toxic effects and may be used as drugs or solvents if not taken care of. For example you and your family members may be using correcting fluid, paint thinner/remover, nail polish remover, hair spray, air freshener, deodorant, cleaning agent, whipped cream, Perfumes etc. The number is countless for the reason every day a new product is launched in the market with altogether a different and attractive name. All these household products are capable of inducing any child the habits of substance abuse and may also make...

Abusive Impact of drugs

A SMALL ACTUAL STORY FOR THE GUIDANCE OF PARENTS I am specially inclined to explain the problem of a boy who was attaining the manhood, only because he was very close relative of mine, who suffered this problem and lost his youngest son at the age of 19 years. After having unsuccessful in studies he was humiliated by all family members( particularly one lady member of the family) at any given point of time One fine morning he promised every one that he shall come to the level of studies as expected from every body in the house. Unfortunately he developed stomach ache at mid night. Thanks God the family doctor was instantly available who injected him a pain killer known as Pethidine. This was known as a pain killer medicine . If repeated at number of times it becomes immune to its effects. In simple words it stops function as pain killer. Repeated doses regularly taken for prolonged period culminates the habit of addiction. That is what happened with this boy and he en...