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Showing posts from January 26, 2014

Understanding Web services - this will give a 4xx error as webservice is not a page. This URI can only be used by a s/w. It is similar to url. In case u type URI of the browser ,this URI needs to give to the program as requested by the program. the description of a web service along with the web interface is required to invoke a web service. once wsdl is written for a web service a source code is always generated and interpreted. the soft that is needed by a client to invoke a web service is called a "stub". there are plenty of tools available on net that will help us to generate the stuff as these things are based on the wsdl of the web service. What is a client stub or a server stub? Client stub that generates soap request and interprets the soap responses sent by the server. E.g. A gadget wants to knw the temp and d gadget has to access from weather forecast then it will use a soft who will generate a soap msg(collection of xml...