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Showing posts from September 7, 2011

E-Commerce Notes # 1-5

FTP - File transfer Protocol ISP - Internet Service Provider DNS - Domain Name Server Revolution Change Digital Enabled Transaction -All transactions that are mediated by digital technologies Commercial Exchange of value between or across organizational or individual boundaries in return of a product or service for a commercial transactions What is the difference between E-Commerce & E-Business E-Business Digital enablement of transaction & process within a firm involving information system under control of firm. e.g. : online inventory control, LMS - Leave Management System, EMS - Employee Management System. E-Business turns into E-Business when there is a commercial value added to it. <<DIAGRAM>> Information Asymmetry Geographical Boundaries Information about price/cost/fees are hidden from consumers creating a profitable hidden information asymmetry. This creates a disparity in relevant market information that confuses the customers. The ...