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Showing posts with the label HTML Form

code to create a form using its elements

<html> <head> <title> Addmission</title> </head> <body> <center><h1> ADDIMISSION FORM </h1></center> <form name="regestration" > Student name:   <input type=text name=txt1><br> Father's name: <input type=text name=txt2><br> D.O.B: <input type=text name=txt3><br> Age(acc. to D.O.B): <input type=text name=txt4><br> Address: <input type=text name=txt5><br> Phone no.: <input type=text name=txt6><br> <h3> Student's gender:</h3> Male:<input type=checkbox name=ckh1><br> female:<input type=checkbox name=ckh2><br> <h3>select the class:</h3> Xth:<input type=radio name=r1><br> XIth:<input type=radio name=r2><br> XIIth:<input type=radio name=r3><br> <h3>more about student:</h3> <inp...