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Showing posts with the label Blackberry incubator

Minutes of Black berry Session 18th jan 2014

Minutes of Last Blackberry incubator session Different definations of HTML 5 1.       W3c :HTML 5 specifications 2.       WWG: Apple google Opera 3.       Common def: Whatever in web in last few years is HTML 5 Test in Web kit :browsers who support WWG( Default file (graphic) format in web :   png IE :w3C geo location support imp wgl :?   CHROMOS GRP oPENgl : The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics Use of WebGL e.g. UNITY : sOFTWARE TO MAKE GAMES\ Whenever u buy TV ,Mobile etc... check Most imp support in HTML 5   is Canvas   HTML Trend:   NOSQL Database( data stored in key value pair) About HTML5test: The HTML5 test score is an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard and related specifications. ...

Black Berry Meet up at 1st Feb in BIT Noida

Event Details BlackBerry Developer Group India has grown to have around 1500 members on its Facebook group in a short span of 2 years. The group is now organizing a meetup for its members to share ideas and opportunities relating to the BlackBerry 10 platform in particular and app development in general. Agenda 11:45 am : Introductions 12:00 noon : Talk by Mr. Ebrahim Popat, Manager - Developer Alliances, Advertising Network on "Monetising your apps - Best Practices" 12:30 pm : Mr. Saurabh Jain, Founder of BB Developer Group India and OpenClass will give an "Introduction to BB Developer Group India and OpenClass" 12:45 pm : Talk by Mr. Nit Navodit, Appbulous on "Cocos2D for BB 10" 1:30 pm : Informal mixer between the attendees 2:00 pm : Formal close of the session

Mobile Apps Hackerthon Winner

A team of BITiansl (Black berry Sponsored Incubator cell) won Blackberry Jamathon (Blackberry 10 App Development Competition). Team comprised of 4 students - Ramandeep Singh, Shubham Singh, Ankit Chaudhary and Deepak Sharma(B.Sc. Animation and Multimedia 5th semester). Congrats to students! Director Cdr Balwant Sharma, Dr. Shruti Kohli - assistant professor, Computer Science Department who is organizing Mobile Apps Incubator Cell for students specially met the students to motivate them during competition. ·          Nearly 100 professionals and students from all over Delhi and some even from Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra ·          Students of BIT under the mentorship of Dr Shruti kohli and many other colleges ·          Senior software professionals ·   ...