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Showing posts from February 12, 2014

Fundamental of Web Services

FUNDAMENTAL OF WEB SERVICES WEB SERVICES:- A   Web service   is a method of interaction between two devices over the  WWW . It is a software tool provided on internet which helps us to create client-server service. It is a software system designed to support interoperability with various machine interaction over a network. The web service replies in a language called WSDL (Web Service Description Language).    Some of its features are:- They are application components They  communicate with open protocols They  are  self-describing It can be used by various applications The basis for web services are HTTP and XML Working of web services The client sends a request to the server  The Request is  encoded in XML format  The Function (GET, POST…)is inserted in the file  The server receives and decodes the file  The received function is executed  A new XML file is enco...