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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Fundamental of HTML
HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup language. It is the primary language used to encode documents containing hyperlinks. It provides simple mechanisms for formulating text, creating links and lists inserting images, embedding audio and video etc. Its first version was released in 1991 by Tim Burners Lee, the founder of WWW.
 It is an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a standard that specifies a formal mete-language for markup documents.  Any simple text editor such as notepad in Windows or simple Text in Macintosh can be used to create and edit HTML files.
§  HTML documents are written using HTML “Tags”.
§  Tags are embedded in angular brackets.
§  HTML tags are case-insensitive.
§  Tags are organized in hierarchical order.
§  Documents are linked by special tag called anchor tags.
§  Anchor tags are also called hyperlinks.
§  HTML documents are viewed by software called ‘browser’.

An HTML document basically consists of HTML elements which in turn consists of tags and attributes.
These are the building block of a web page. An element consists of a tag, its attributes and content. The content of a tag can be a simple text, or may be one or more tags or both. These are organized in tree-like structure. The root element of a HTML document is <html> which contains all the other elements.
Tags are codes each of which marks up a certain region in an HTML document. A tag is written within angular brackets (< and >) and must be properly nested. The general format of a tag is as follow:
                                 <tag> content </tag>
Where <tag> is the opening tag and </tag> is the closing tag.
There are two types of tags:
§  Embedded tags: These tags have both opening and closing         tags.  For e.g. italic tag ( <i> </i> ),  Bold tag (<b> </b>), etc.
§  Standalone tags: These tag have only opening tags  but they do not have their corresponding tags. For e.g. <hr> tag, used to draw horizontal line, etc.
Common HTML tags and their functionality:
Root tag
Specifies the body of an HTML document
Specifies the header
New paragraph
Insert a line break
Make the text bold
Make the text italic
Make the text teletype face
Make the text underlined
Aligns the text in center
Insert a horizontal line
Inserts a table
Creates table row
Inserts an image

Attributes are the properties of the tags that can be optionally be assigned values to change the default behavior of these tags. These are placed within the starting tag. Even Standalone tags may have attributes. Each tag has its own set of attributes.  
Common attributes of body Tag:
It specify background color of the document
It specify background image of the document
It specify the color of a not yet visited link
It represents the color of an active link
It represents the color of a visited link
It specifies the color of the enclosed text

Every HTML document starts with <html> tag. This tells the browser that it is the beginning of an HTML document. This Tag is embedded tag, and must have the corresponding </html> tag which inform the browser that it is the end of the HTML document.
An HTML page has basically two distinct logical sections: Head section specified by <head> and </head> tags and Body section specified by <body> and </body> tags. The structure of an HTML page looks like this:

The first simple but complete HTML document that displays a simple text “Hello World” on the screen:
    <title> my first HTML page </title>
        Hello World


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