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HTML comments start with <! -- And end with -->. Each and every thing written within these characters will be ignored by the browsers. These are used to explain the purpose the HTML tags used in the documents. It can be used anywhere in the document. Following is the general syntax:-
<! -- comment text -->



HTML provides a <p> tag, which is used to start a new paragraph, escaping one line between new line and previous line. Following is the general syntax:-
<p> this is a new paragraph </p>

A web page contain different heading with different sizes, color and fonts. HTML provides different tags for such headings. There are 6 levels of headings h1 to h6, where h1 is the largest in size and h6 is the smallest.

<h1> heading 1 </h1>
<h2> heading 2 </h2>
<h3> heading 3 </h3>
<h4> heading 4 </h4>
<h5> heading 5 </h5>
<h6> heading 6 </h6>


It is the collection of one or more items. There are three types of lists.

1.  UNORDERED LISTSThese are created using <ul> tag and each list of items start with <li> tag. Some of the bullet option for <ul> tag are- “disc”, “circle”, “square”.
For e.g. –
<li> item 1 </li>
<li> item 2 </li>
<li> item n </li>

2.  ORDERED LISTS- These are created using <ol> tag and each list of items start with <li> tag. Some of the numbering options for <ol> tag are- “1”,”A”,”I”.
For e.g. –
<li> item 1 </li>
<li> item 2 </li>
<li> item n </li>

3.  DEFINITION LISTS It consists of two parts: a term and its definition. It is created using <dl> tag, term part by <dt> tag and definition part by <dd> tag.
   <dt> 1st term </dt>
   <dd> 1st definition </dd>
   <dt>  nth term </dt>
   <dd> nth definition </dd>



A table is a two dimensional matrix consisting of rows and columns. It is powerful tool for formatting the web pages it is created using three basic tags-<table>…</table>, <tr>…</tr>, <td>…</td>. All table related tags are included between the <table> and </table> tags. Each row of table is described between the tr tag, and each column is described in the td tag.

HTML Table tags:-

Represents the whole table
Represents a row
Represents a cell in a row
Column header
Title of the table

The attributes of table tags are following:-

Manage the horizontal alignments, which can be LEFT,CENTER,RIGHT
Manage the horizontal alignments, which can be TOP,MIDDLE,BOTTOM
Sets the width of a specific no or pixels
It controls the border to be placed around the table
It controls the distance between the data in cell and the boundaries of the cell
Control the spacing between adjacent cell
It is inserted inside a <th> or <td> tag, which instruct the browser to make the cell defined by the tag to take up more than one column
It works in same as the Colspan except that it allows a cell to take up more than one row.


Form tag is important as it creates a section in the html document. It is used to collect the information from the user, it also contains special elements called controls. The forms are created using <form>…</form> tag. Following is the syntax of form:-

Form elements, markups and other contents are specified here


Form elements

Data in a form are collected using different types of control element. The control elements are created using <input> tag. There are 10 input types.

1.  Text field-it is used to get single line textual data
<input type=”text” value=”n1”>:Name


U.K Roy

2.  Password field-It is similar to text field but the characters entered are represented by dots or asterisks. It allows to hide information from others.

 <input type=”password” value=”p1”>:Password


3.  Hidden field- These are not displayed by the browser and users can never interact with them. The users can see the field by viewing the source code.

<input type=”hidden” name=”userid”> value=”U.K Roy”>

4.  Label- It is used to add a label to a form field.
<label for=”Marriage”>

5.  Checkbox-It is like a toggled switch which is checked or unchecked. It allows user to select one option from set of alternatives.

Which of the following items do you have-
 <input type=”checkbox” value=”c1”>Car  <br>
<input type=”checkbox” value=”c2”> COMPUTER <br>
 <input type=”checkbox” value=”c3”>CAMERA  <br>


Which of the following items do you have-
ð       Car
ð       COMPUTER
ð       CAMERA

6.  Radio button- It allows user to select one option from set of alternatives.
<input type=”radio” name=”r1”>male<br>
<input type=”radio” name=”r1”>female<br>


o   Male
o   Female

7.  Selection list- It is a group of radio buttons or checkboxes which allows user to select one option from set of alternatives.
<option> male
<option> female

8.  Text area- It is the extension of text field and used to enter large amount of text.

<input type=”textarea” rows=”4” cols=”10”>
Enter your comment here...


Enter your comment here...

9.     Button-
·        Submit button-
<input type=”submit” value=”send”>
·        Reset button-
<input type=”reset” value=”restore”>
·        Image button-
<input type=”image” src=”a.jpg”>

10.               File upload- It allow to upload more than one file. These file can be either image, text or other files.
<form action=”upload.jsp” method=”post”>


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