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Understanding Input Output behavior of a System

What do you understand by I/O behavior of a System? Discuss the usage I/O function in functionality of any system? Give examples. What do you understand by State transition? Also discuss briefly formulation of a trajectory in any system Explain the concept of segment and trajectories. Provide a pictorial representation of Input ,output ,state trajectories explaining how these trajectories change with time base. Segments of a system can be differentiated into different categories. Discuss various kind of segments explaining their application. What do u understand by Observation frame? When is it used state with example?

Simulation & Modeling Question Bank (continued)

Explain what is meant by Model Validation?How do you validate models in practice ?What are the major sources of error in validation? What are different type of Models?Explain their general characterstics? Explain the Monte-Carlo Simulation Technique. Explain Poisson Distribution Technique? What do you understand by Verification and Validation of simulation model?

Simulation and Modeling Question bank

In this post I have listed elementary questions that are related to basics of S&M. Sketch and explain Basic System specification formalisms Define the terms ‘System’ & ‘Model’. Also discuss various types of System and Models. Describe the various criteria of classification of systems and models. Illustrate with abundant examples. Discuss modeling relation and validity The inescapable fact about modeling is that it is severely constrained by complexity limitations’. Explain. What do you understand by Hierarchy of System Specification? Why is it required Explain? Discuss various levels of System Knowledge? What are the fundamental system problems that any system has to face? What do you understand by Object oriented paradigm? How can you relate it with System theory? Discuss briefly evolution of System Formalism? Discuss various forms of System formalisms? Can they be used together? State with help of some examples? Name and Explain different levels of system knowle...

Content Details

1. Lecture Notes on Simulation          1.1 Cellular Automata questions          1.2 Input Output behaviour of a System          1.3 Simulation and Modeling Question bank          1.4 "> System Simulation sample quiz sets          1.5 "> Sample Quiz Set Continued 2. Lecture Notes on C language 3. Lecture Notes on MIS 4. Web Technology       4.1 Question Bank:Internet and Web Technology       4.2 HTML Color code            4.3 Electronic Payment Model            4.4 Electronic payment Model       4.5 XML Tutorial ...