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The Need For System Analysis

It is necessary to analyze the system from different angles. While satisfying such need, the analysis of the system is the basic necessity for an efficient system design. The need for analysis stems from the following point of view. System Objective: It is necessary to define the system objective(s). Many a times, it is observed that the systems are historically in operation and have lost their main purpose of achievement of the objectives. The users of the system and the personnel involved are not in a position to define the objective(s). Since you are going to develop a computer based system, it is necessary to redefine or reset the objective(s) as a reference point in the context of the current business requirement. System Boundaries: It is necessary to establish the system boundaries which would define the scope and the coverage of the system. This helps to sort out and understand the functional boundaries of the system, the department boundaries in the system, and the peopl...

Mangement Information System [MIS NOTES]

Question Bank 1. Identify nature of impact of MIS on people, organisation and the management style? Illustrate the positive as well as negative impact. 2. Discuss the external and internal constraint of implementing MIS in an organisation? 3. Manager has leadership role to play in an organisation. MIS provides support to manager in his functional responsibilities. Explain with example? 4. Explain the role of performance standard and “feedback” on it in effective management of business. How can feedback help in management control system? 5. Show the relationship of organisation effectiveness and management effectiveness to MIS? 6. What do you understand by goal displacement? What are the possible situations when displacement occurs? 7. Why does the organisation structure and MIS differ from company to company even though they are in same business and industry? 8. What do you understand by rational decision making? Explain different types of rational decision with examples ...

HTML Colors

Color RGB Black #000000 rgb(0,0,0) Red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0) Green #00FF00 rgb(0,255,0) Blue #0000FF rgb(0,0,255) Yellow #FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0) Light #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255) Pink #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255) Grey #C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192) white #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)

Internet and Web technology -2007 Mid term paper

1. What do you understand by Domain Name System? Discuss the architecture and functionality of DNS in detail.[6] 2. Provide short answers for following: [1*6=6] a. Can a page include more than one set of script tags? b. What is the software required to create and edit JavaScript programs c. How data is stored in a JavaScript? d. How browsers recognize JavaScript code? e. What is the difference between Java and JavaScript? f. How browser differentiates between HTML doc and a server side script? 3 (a) What do you understand by IP address in detail? Discuss the various IP address classes in detail. [3] (b)What is the difference between Static and Dynamic IP addressing? Explain with example.[3] 4 (a) Write a Java Script code to enter n integers from user and print them in sorted order?[3] (b) Write HTML code for following:[1.5*2=3] a. How to align pictures on a webpage? b. How to create links to sections on the same page in HTML. 5 (a) Discuss the three basis typ...

Question bank: Internet and Web Technology

1. Discuss the various methods available for connecting to Internet? 2. What is the difference between Client server mode and peer to peer network? 3. What do you understand by Domain Name System? Discuss the architecture and functionality of DNS in detail. 4. How IP addressing is done? Discuss the various IP address classes in detail. 5. Discuss the TCP/IP model and its services in detail. 6. What o you understand by OSI reference model? Explain briefly advantages of layered approach? 7. What do you understand by web Server? Discuss its functionality in detail. 8. What is the difference between following? a. Paired tag and Singular tag b. Absolute URL and relative URL 9. Discuss the difference between Static and Dynamic IP 10. Discuss briefly following terms: a. Internet Server b. Internet Service Provider c. Internet Access Provider d. Gateway e. UDP f. TCP g. Telnet h. FTP i. E-Mails j. Ping 11. What is the W3C and what does it do? 12. What is HTML v...

Electronic Payment Scheme

Electronic Payment Schemes A Layered Protocol Model. A three layer model is used to compare payments schemes. Policy :The semantics of the payment scheme. This includes refunds policies, and the liabilities incurred by customers, merchants and financial institutions. Data flow : The requirements for storage of data by and communications between the parties. This includes not only the data flows for payments themselves but also for refunds, account enquiries and settlement. Mechanism : The methods by which the necessary security requirements for messages and stored data are achieved. All three abstraction levels are tightly coupled since policy makes requirements of data flow and data flow makes requirements of mechanism. Payment Protocol Models Cash: Cash consists of a token which may be authenticated independently of the issuer. This is commonly achieved through use of self authenticating tokens or tamper proof hardware. Cheque Cheques are payment instruments wh...

Electronic Payment Model

Electronic Payment Schemes A Layered Protocol Model. A three layer model is used to compare payments schemes. Policy : The semantics of the payment scheme. This includes refunds policies, and the liabilities incurred by customers, merchants and financial institutions. Data flow : The requirements for storage of data by and communications between the parties. This includes not only the data flows for payments themselves but also for refunds, account enquiries and settlement. Mechanism : The methods by which the necessary security requirements for messages and stored data are achieved. All three abstraction levels are tightly coupled since policy makes requirements of data flow and data flow makes requirements of mechanism. Payment Protocol Models. Cash Cash consists of a token which may be authenticated independently of the issuer. This is commonly achieved through use of self authenticating tokens or tamper proof hardware. Cheque Cheques are payment i...