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MIS provides the following advantages . 1. It Facilitates planning : MIS improves the quality of plants by providing relevant information for sound decision – making . Due to increase in the size and complexity of organizations, managers have lost personal contact with the scene of operations. 2. In Minimizes information overload : MIS change the larger amount of data in to summarized form and there by avoids the confusion which may arise when managers are flooded with detailed facts. 3. MIS Encourages Decentralization : Decentralization of authority is possibly when there is a system for monitoring operations at lower levels. MIS is successfully used for measuring performance and making necessary change in the organizational plans and procedures. 4. It brings Co ordination : MIS facilities integration of specialized activities by keepi...

Types of Management Information Systems

Types of Management Information Systems A management information system (MIS) is a computer-based system that provides the information necessary to manage an organization effectively. An MIS should be designed to enhance communication among employees, provide an objective system for recording information and support the organization's strategic goals and direction. There are four types of MIS that will be introduced in ascending order of sophistication. Transaction Processing Systems These systems are designed to handle a large volume of routine, recurring transactions. They were first introduced in the 1960s with the advent of mainframe computers. Transaction processing systems are used widely today. Banks use them to record deposits and payments into accounts. Supermarkets use them to record sales and track inventory. Most managers use these systems to deal with tasks such as payroll, customer billing and payments to suppliers. Operations Information Systems These systems w...

MIS Functions

According to Milind Gandhi MIS is set up by an organization with the prime objective to obtain management information to BE used by its managers in decision making. Thus, MIS must perform the following functions in order to meet its objectives. Data Capturing: MIS captures data from various internal and external sources of an organization. Data capturing may BE manual or through computer terminals. End users typically, record data about transactions on some physical medium, such as a paper form, or enter it directly into a computer system. · Processing of Data: The captured data is processed to convert it into the required management information. Processing of data is done by such activities as calculating, comparing, sorting, classifying and summarizing. These activities organize, analyze, and manipulate data using various statistical, mathematical, operations research and other business models. · Storage of Information: MIS stores processed or unprocessed dat...


According to Milind Gandhi: A management information system has the following characteristics. · System Approach: The information system follows a System’s approach. The system’s approach implies a holistic approach to the study of system and its performance in the light for the objective for which it has been constituted. This approach is anti-piecemeal in nature . · Management Oriented: This is an important characteristic of MIS. For designing of MIS, top-down approach should BE followed. Top-down approach suggests that the system development starts from the determination of management needs and overall business objectives. The MIS development plan should BE derived from the overall business plan. Management oriented characteristic of MIS also implies that the management actively directs the system development efforts. · Need Based: MIS design and development should BE as per the information needs of managers at different levels, viz., strategic planning level, management contr...

Essentials of a good MIS report

A MIS report is like a transport of information to those who need it. The essentials of a good management reporting or information system are the following: 1. System should yield information required for the evaluation of each manager’s area of responsibility in relation to the goals of the organisation. 2. There should be a proper flow of information. it should originate from the right place and should be transmitted to the proper level of authority where decisions are to be made. Complete and consistent information should flow in the systematic manner. 3. The information required for a decision should be anticipated so that all the relevant data are gathered and made available at the decision point. 4. Information should be communicated in proper form so that management may study it and use it in decision making without any difficulty. 5. The system should ensure furnishing of the information at the proper time, i.e., neither too late nor too late. 6...

Process of MIS reporting

The process of MIS reporting essentially involves: 1. Contents : proper selection of financial and operating data and other relevant facts and figure which are to be communicated. 2. Form : Organisation of data to put the information in a proper form that can be readily understood and appreciated by the management. 3. Method : selecting the appropriate method of reporting.


Information is the basis for every decision taken in an organization. The efficiency of management depends upon the availability of regular and relevant information. Thus it is essential that an effective and efficient reporting system be developed as part of accounting system. The main object of management information is to obtain the required about the operating results of an organization regularly in order to use them for future planning and control. The old techniques like intuition, rule of thumb, personal whim and prestige, etc. are now considered useless in the process of decision taking. Modern management is constantly on look out for such quantitative and such information, which can help in analyzing the proposed alternative actions and choosing one as its decision. Thus, modern management functions are information-oriented more popularly known as “management by information” . And the system through which information is communicated to the management is known as “management i...