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Integrated Financial Management Information Systems

Integrated Financial Management Information Systems Integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS) are computer-based systems that automate and store key financial information in large organizations like governments, multinational corporations and large nonprofit institutions. The goal of these systems is to increase access to information while decreasing long-term costs.The initial investment of time and money to implement IFMIS is high, but the improved financial transparency and information access usually offsets its initial expense. Features The primary features that distinguish an integrated financial management information system from other computer systems are the reduction in duplicate data entry; implementation of internal controls for transactions, reporting and information entry; and the standardization of data classifications for financial events. IFMIS can integrate accounting-related information, or larger organizational data management systems. Functions ...


Malicious Software: Viru ses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Spyware Have you ever picked up a cold or the flu from another human? Probably. You then spread it to two or three other people through touch or association. Those people spread it to two or three more people each. Pretty soon it seems that everyone on campus or at work is sick. That is how computer viruses are spread. You copy a file from an infected source, use the file, and maybe send it to friends or associates. The virus is now on your computer and spreads to files other than the original. You then send the same or even a different file to a few friends and their computers are infected. A different type of malware called worms can also destroy data on computers or clog network systems with software-generated electronic transmissions. Worms are similar to viruses in that they c an create additional file copies on a computer and generate emails to other computers with the infected file attached. Worms differ from viruses be...


Why Systems Are Vulnerable Information systems are vulnerable to technical, organizational, and environmental threats from internal and external sources. The weakest link in the chain is poor system management. If managers at all levels don't make security and reliability their number one priority, then the threats to an information system can easily become real. The figure below gives you an idea of some of the threats to each component of a typical network. Internet Vulnerabilities "If electronic business is to prosper and truly move into the mainstream of commerce, everyone involved — merchants, financial institutions, software vendors, and security suppliers such as VeriSign — has to make security a top priority, starting right now. Security is very hard to get right under the best of circumstances and just about impossible when it isn't the focus of attention. If the industry doesn't get this right — and fast — it's setting the stage for a catastro...