Discuss the following periods in simulation history? a. The period of Search: Simulation was conducted in FORTRAN and other gernal purpose languages. No specific simulation specific routines. Much effort was on expanding searcn for unifying concepts and the development of reusable routines to facilitate simulation(1955-60) b Advent : It is the period of forerunners of SPL we use today(1961-65) GPSS developd by Geoffery Gordon at IBM and appeared in 1961. General Purpose Simulation system was developed for quick simulation of communication and computer system. It is a block disgram based representation (similar to process flow diagram) and suited for queuing models. Phillip J Kiviat developed GASP (General Activity based simulation program). Originally it was based on GPL ALGOL but later based on FORTRAN. other SPL developed are SIhMULA(extension of ALGOL) c. The Formative period (from 1966-1970) Concepts were reviewed adn refined to promote more consistent re...
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