Web Technology Lab Assignments 1. Write HTML document to illustrate the usage of the following tags with all the attributes: through , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2. Write HTML document to create a given table structure using all the table related tags to include the following features: a) Different colors and background Images b) Spanning of rows and columns c) Cell spacing and padding. Display the picture 3. Design a given form that includes all the following Form related tags with all the possible attributes: with all TYPEs, , 4. Create three HTML files and view them in different frames of the browser window as shown below. Make provision to load frames with certain documents on clicking a link on some other frame. 5. Write a JavaScript embedded HTML tags to display the current Date in the format “ dd/mm/yyyy” and current Time in a text box in the 12- hour format as “hh:mm:ss [AM/PM]”. Time has t...