Introduction: Conceptual Framework of E-Commerce, General Model of Business, Electronic Means of doing Business-Defining E-commerce-Emergence of E-Commerce on Private Networks, Forces Effecting E-Commerce, E-Commerce on Private Network, Forces effecting E-Commerce. E.D.I : Nature, Benefits of E.D.I, Demerits of E.D.I Types of E-Commerce: Inter Organization (B2B) E-Commerce, Intra- Organizational ECommerce, and Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce. Building on E-Commerce Enterprise: Ascertain the Need for E-Commerce, Competition, Global Reach, Customer Service, Value Additions, Operations Oriented Process, Products Setting up a Website, Domain Name Registration, Developing Static Web Pages, Integration with Operational Databases, Dynamic Websites, Registering the Website with Search Engines. Introduction to legal and Security Issues in E-Commerce. Electronic Payment Systems: Overview of Electronic Payment Technology Legal issues: Laws for E-Commerce...