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Android Emulator Assignment (MCA)

 TOPICS v Overview v Using the Android Emulator v Starting and Stopping the Emulator v Telephony Emulation v SMS Emulation v Network Status v Network Delay Emulation v Network Speed Emulation v Simulate incoming call with Android emulator v Emulator Limitations v BIBLIOGRAPHY *Overview* The Android emulator is an application that provides a virtual mobile device on which you can run your Android applications. It runs a full Android system stack, down to the kernel level that includes a set of preinstalled applications (such as the dialer) that you can access from your applications. You can choose what version of the Android system you want to run in the emulator by configuring AVDs, and you can also customize the mobile device skin and key mappings. When launching the emulator and at runtime, you can use a variety of commands and options to control its behavior. The Android system images available th...

IMCA V Internet and Web techology Assignment allocation

Roll No.                           Assignment  1                                      Website tutorial of CSS 2                                       Website XML tutorial 3                                       Using Google adword. Developing html tutorial for same 4                                       Creating web technology website using word press 5                                       Website on HTTP 6       ...

MCA V Simulation and Modeling assignments

1        Input Modeling of Simulation   2   Application of Simulation for solving network flow problems 3   Learning NS2 4  Web Based Simulation 5   Learning NS3 7   Web Based Simulation 9   Simulation of Computer Networks 10   Queuing based website simulation 11   Winter conference simulation research papers -4 12   Online Simulation tool 15  Creating Search Engine Simulator 17     Search Engine Optimization using Simlation 18  Flight Simulation      20    Studying neural network simulation 21   Website simulation  22    Simulation Tools comparitive study   23   Simulation in Java 24  Using Simulation for forecasting 25  Simulation for predictive analysis 26  Using Data mining for Simulation 27   Simulation for predictive analysis 28   simulation with Fuzzy logic 29...

VBA LAB Exercises (SimulatioModeling)

                                                   Even Roll No.s Write a program in VB to pick a value from the excel and sheet and print out its square root,cube root on the excel sheet. Also, check whether the number is prime or not.  Once this task is complete take a range of values (depicting arrival of customer) from excel and generate its cumulative frequency and using a rand function  generate arrival distribution Odd RollNO.s Write a program in VB to pick two values from the  excel and sheet and print out their addition and multiplication results on the excel sheet.  Also, check whether the sum of number is even or odd  Once this task is complete take a range of values (depicting arrival of customer) from excel and generate its cumulative frequency and using a rand function   generate arrival d...

Code for printing the grade of a studente on Excel sheet using VBA

Private Sub CommandClicking_Click() Dim m As Integer Dim g As String Randomize Timer m = Int(Rnd * 100) Cells(10, 1).Value = m If m < 35 And m >= 0 Then g = "F" Cells(11, 1).Value = g ElseIf m < 55 And m >= 35 Then g = "E" Cells(11, 1).Value = g ElseIf m < 65 And m >= 55 Then g = "D" Cells(11, 1).Value = g ElseIf m < 75  And m >= 65 Then g = "B" Cells(11, 1).Value = g ElseIf mark < 90 And mark >= 75 Then g = "A" Cells(11, 1).Value = g ElseIf mark < 100 And mark >= 90 Then grade = "A*" Cells(11, 1).Value = g End If End Sub


XML Language can be understood as a generic language used to describe other markup languages. You need to understand that XML makes a clear distinction between the markup and the content of the webpage. Here markup implies tags and attributes that are being used in the XML document and content refers to the information being presented in the document. E.g.         <p> XML is used to store data in a structured way In this example   <p>…. </p> refers to the markup being used in the document and the text written between these tags refer to the content of the document. You can say that markup is actually used to describe the presentation of the content. This is done using standard tags and attributes that are available in HTML. You will find that the XML markup is generally used to describe the content of the document and is not related with the appearance of the document. E.g.    <qui...


Basics In this unit you will learn about XML technologies.   Before you look into the specifications of XML it is important to understand why XML exists and its advantages.   HTML , the most popular markup language, has been designed to display data and specify how that data should look. XML has been designed to describe and structure data. XML itself does not actually describe how to display data or what to do data.  It allows you to structure the data in a standard manner. This enables other systems to interpret XML. In other words it provides a ‘interoperable file format" which can be interpreted using other languages. XSL is the popular language used to transform/interpret XML. CHARACTERISTICS OF XML   XML stands for ‘Extensible Markup Language’. XML can be understood as a general-purpose specification used for creating custom markup languages. It is classified as an extensible language as it allows its users to define their own elements. Thus ...