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M/M/1 Queuing Model code

Program code in C for M/M/1 queuing model #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int lam,mu,n,i; float l,lq,ls,wq,ws,rho,p[20]; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter value for lam="); scanf("%d",&lam); printf("\nEnter value for mu="); scanf("%d",&mu); printf("\nEnter value for n="); scanf("%d",&n); l=(float)lam/(lam-mu); ws=(float)(lam/mu); wq=(float)(ws-(1/mu)); lq=(float)(pow(mu,2)/((mu)*(mu-lam))); rho=(float)lam/mu; p[0]=(float)(1-(lam/mu)); for(i=1;i<n;i++) p[i]=(float)(p[0]*(pow(rho,i))); printf("\n\n\nThe calculated results are=\n"); printf("\n l=%f",l); printf("\n ws=%f",ws); printf("\n wq=%f",wq); printf("\n lq=%f",lq); printf("\n p=%f",p); printf("\nThe probablities are!!\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("\np[%d]=\t%f",i,p[i]); getch(); } by A...

M/M/1 Queuing Simulator

Hi   All Its a very good simulator   for M/M/1. It brings t he power of Discrete Event Simulation and Web technologies for teaching and learning Queuing Theory and Queuing Networks.     Complex networks of M/M/1 queues can be modeled and simulated easily with this web-based simulator. The simulator runs a complete discrete event simulation to generate the statistics of queues and systems.

FEL program of grocery shop

FEL is Future event list. A list of event notices for future events. The event notice must contain all the information necessary to execute the event (in particular the time it is scheduled to occur).  The event list is the main data structure in a  discrete-event simulator  so its important to code for FEL. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> /*****************************FEL for a grocery shop!!**********************************/ //Defining structure for customer!! typedef struct { int cno,inter_arr,arr_time,ser_time,beg_time,wait_time,end_time,sys_time,idle_time; }cust; //Defining structure for FEL because we have entries for arrival,departure,end & their respective time!! typedef struct { char ename; int time; }event; //For lookup function for inter-arrival time!! int lookup_interarr(int i) { if(i>=0 && i<13) return 1; else if(i>=13 && i<25) return 2; else if(i...

Multiplicative congruential method program

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void print(int x[],float r[],int n,int p) { int i; clrscr(); printf("\n\nLinear Congruential Method!!"); printf("\n\ni\tNumbers\t\tRandom Numbers\n\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("\n%d\t%d\t\t%f",i+1,x[i],(float)r[i]); printf("\n\nThe total periods=%d",n); if(i%p==0) printf("\n\nThe generator achieved the max period!!"); else printf("\n\nThe generator does not achieved max period!!"); getch(); exit(0); } void main() { int i,x[40],a,m,x0,ch,p; float r[40]; clrscr(); printf("\n\n*************Multiplicative Congruential Generator*****************\n"); printf("\n\n1.a=11,m=16,x0=7"); printf("\n\n2.a=11,m=16,x0=8"); printf("\n\n3.a=7,m=16,x0=7"); printf("\n\n4.a=7,m=16,x0=8"); printf("\n\n5.Exit!!"); printf("\n\n********************************************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter...

Random Variable Generation program

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void print(int x[],float r[],int n) { int i; clrscr(); printf("\ni\tNumbers\t\tRandom Numbers\n\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("\n%d\t%d\t\t%f",i+1,x[i],(float)r[i]); printf("\n\nThe total periods=%d",n); getch(); exit(0); } void main() { int i,x[40],a,c,m,x0; float r[40]; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter value for a="); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter value for c="); scanf("%d",&c); printf("\nEnter value for m="); scanf("%d",&m); printf("\nEnter value for x0="); scanf("%d",&x0); x[0]=x0; r[0]=(float)x[0]/m; for(i=1;i<40;i++) { x[i]=((x[i-1]*a)+c)%m; r[i]=(float)x[i]/m; if(x[0]==x[i]) print(x,r,i); } }  by Aanchal Gupta(MCA/4510/11)

Application of neural network

INTRODUCTION Road accidents involving the release of toxic or hazardous materials (such as hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents, which are non-aqueous phase liquids or NAPL) during their transportation may cause severe environmental problems. A particular attention is given to denser than water NAPLs (DNAPLs), which may reach deep into the aquifer and thus durably contaminate the groundwater. This study is concerned with the impact of a DNAPL spill on the water resource for a road project infringing a zone of drinking water catchments in the case of a road accident involving a DNAPL transporting vehicle. The zone of study spans over several kilometers, along which soil properties vary significantly. Simulation metamodelling is based on the substitution of the simulation model by an approximation of the input–output relationship. Metamodelling, first proposed by Blanning, makes the computations much faster, allowing for more cases to be studied. Originally based ...

Auto-correlation program

/*program for autocorrelation */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int i,m,a,c,x[30]={27},count=0,M,j,k,n; double r[30],z,R[30],sum=0.0,R0,z0,R1; double sq,zA=1.96; clrscr(); printf("Enter the values of a,c,m:\n"); scanf("%d%d%d\n",&a,&c,&m); for(i=1;i<=30;i++) { x[i]=(a*x[i-1]+c)%m; r[i]=(float)x[i]/m; count++; printf("\tRand No.::%f\n",r[i]);   } scanf("%d%d%d",&j,&n,&M); if((j+(M+1)*n)<= r)     { for(k=0;k<=M;k++)    {      R[k]=r[i+(k*m)]* r[i+(k+1)*m];      sum=sum+R[k];    }    R1=sum/(M+1)-0.25;    sq=sqrt((13*M)+7);    R0=sq/(12*(M+1));    z0=R1/R0;    printf("%f",z0); }   if(z0>=-zA && z0<=zA)  printf("\n ACCEPTED");  else  printf("\n REJECTED");   getch(); return...