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TCP/IP Model

TCP-IP Model Layers of TCP-IP Reference Model Application Transport Network/Internet Protocol Host to network Host to network Interface Layer: This layer defines the protocols & hardware request to deliver data across physical network.   The term network interface layer refers to the fact that it defines how to connect the host computer which is not a part of the network, to the network. Ethernet is one example protocol at TCP/IP network layer. TCP/IP reference model does not really says much about what happens where, expect to point out that the host has to connect to the network using protocols so it can send up packets over it. Network/Internet Layer: This layer defines an official packet format and protocols called Internet Protocol(IP).   The job of this layer is to deliver IP packets where they are supposed to go. Packet routing is clearly the major issue at this layer and avoiding congestion. ...

code to create a form using its elements

<html> <head> <title> Addmission</title> </head> <body> <center><h1> ADDIMISSION FORM </h1></center> <form name="regestration" > Student name:   <input type=text name=txt1><br> Father's name: <input type=text name=txt2><br> D.O.B: <input type=text name=txt3><br> Age(acc. to D.O.B): <input type=text name=txt4><br> Address: <input type=text name=txt5><br> Phone no.: <input type=text name=txt6><br> <h3> Student's gender:</h3> Male:<input type=checkbox name=ckh1><br> female:<input type=checkbox name=ckh2><br> <h3>select the class:</h3> Xth:<input type=radio name=r1><br> XIth:<input type=radio name=r2><br> XIIth:<input type=radio name=r3><br> <h3>more about student:</h3> <inp...


FRAME Html provides a facility to divide a web page into several blocks is known as frames. Each frame may display a separate web page and html document window in a one browser.  All browsers do not support the frames. The general use of frame is to have the menu in one frame and other frame contain the data. When user click on menu frame and data is displayed in corresponding frame.   Frame is started by using tags <frameset> and ends with </frameset>. Frame layout Frameset tag requires two attributes in which the screen is divided into rows and columns. Row-this attributes is used to divide page into multiple column or horizontally. Value of row is indicating the height of frame. For example-                 Rows=”20%,”                 Rows=”30%, 40%, 30%” Column- this attributes is used to divide ...