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Systems analysis play a central role in the development of MIS. Since the MIS is a conglomerate of various system, a systematic approach in its development help in achieving the objectives of the MIS. Each system within the MIS plays a role which contributes to the accomplishment of the MIS objective

The tools of the system and the method of development enforce a discipline on the designer to follow the steps strictly as stipulated. The possibility of a mistake is almost ruled out. The success of MIS lies in meeting the information needs of the various personnel in organization across all levels of the management. The system analysis with its structural analysis and design approach ensures appropriate coverage of the sub systems. The data entioties and attributes are considered completely keeping in view the needs of the systems in question and their interface with other systems.

The system analysis begins with the output design which itself ensures that the information need s are considered and displayed in appropriate report or screen format; the subsequent design steps (viz., input process, procedure process) are taken to fulfil these needs.

The system may call for an open system design. In such case while making the system analysis and design, the aspect of open system design is considered , and necessary modifications are introduced in the design of the information system.

The system analysis and design , as atool of the MIS development , helps in streamlining the procedures of the company to current needs of the business and information objectives. The system analysis and design exercise considers testing the feasibility of the system as an important step. The MIS development process largely relies on the systems analysis and design as a source of the scientific development of MIS.

The system analysis is not restricted to the data-process-output. It also covers the technologies which enable the process feasible. An emerging model of MIS is with the databases stored in the back-end servers and the front end users having access to it to manipulate the data to the current requirements. The role of system analyst is more towards data generation, storage and its management in terms of quality, status, access and usage.

The development methodology may be the conventional design of data, databases and files approach or object oriented analysis and design approach, the MIS design is same. The difference is in the development cycle time, quality of information, efficiency of design and the ease of maintenance of the system.


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