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Internet Explorer tips n tricks

Internet Explorer is the most common browser used byall. but still many of its features are not properly utilized. Internet Explorer version 7.0n have some important features like:

* Tabbed browsing - Internet Explorer has provided tab facility like other browser such as Firefox

* RSS support - IE 7 provides facility to view RSS feeds from different Websites.

* Phishing filter - Phishing is a big threat to ones privacy. Internet Explorer ver 7.0 has filters to fight phishing.

* Improved webpage printing

Downloading Internet Explore 7.0

Internet Explorer 7 can be downloaded from While downloading you may need to do Windows Validation and may be required to may be required to download security and other operating system-related updates. In case you are using Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Netscape, or another non-Internet Explorer browser to download Internet Explorer 7 you need to follow on-screen prompts to download the validation plug-in and validate Windows.

Note that as you install Internet Explorer 7, you may be prompted to validate Windows again. Also, you
The features of lat
Many people face problem in installing configuring IE.

Work Around

- Check out Internet Explorer features

  1. Internet Explorer installing and configuring tips
    • While Internet Explorer 7 is running Windows SharePoint Services may not be able to import spreadsheets.
    • After downloading Internet Explorer 7 you may need to update Google Desktop to the latest version, as older versions may prevent Internet Explorer 7 from operating when new tabs are opened.
    • Internet Explorer 7.0 may have some issues with certain software, such as Flight Simulator 2004, the Microsoft Office Handwriting Recognition Service, or the SAP GUI interface after installing Internet Explorer 7.
    • In case Internet Explorer 7.0 it is advisable to install a back up browser before upgrading to IE 7.0

  2. Internet Explorer keyboard short cuts
    • Press Ctrl + Enter on Addressbar of Internet Explorer it will automatically addhttp://www and .com at the end in the address.
    • Need to change Title of the Internet Explorer/ Follow these steps:
      1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc
      2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User Interface
      3. Double click on Browser Title
      4. Click on Customize Title Bars
      5. Change the text to what whatever you want
      6. Click on Ok
    • Access Address Bar of Internet Explorer using “F6” key on the keyboard.
    • Controlling Internet Explorer by scrolling mouse
      1.Hold CTRL and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase
      or decrease the font size.
      2.Hold Shift and use the scroll wheel to go back or forward between WebPages. 


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