WEB Technology
TCP / IP :
TCP refers to Transmission Control Protocol.
IP refers to Information Protocol.
IP refers to Information Protocol.
TCP is protocol that establish connection among sending and receiving web computers. It
handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission and then reassemble at the receiving point. A protocol
is a set of rules for formatting ordering ,compressing and errors checking the messages.
It may also specify the speed of transmission and the mean by which the devices on the network will indicate whether they
have stopped sending or receiving of messages.
The protocol can be implemented in hardware or software.
TCP/IP implemented in software is called
‘Server Software ‘. TCP is establishes connection among sending and receiving
among web computers. It is divided into
four separate layers where each layers handles a different communication problems.
1. Network Interface Layer: It is responsible for placing the packets on
and receiving them from network medium which could be LAN ( Local Area Network
), Token -ring network , frame relay, ATM (Automatic Teller Machine ). The
TCP/IP is independent of local area technologies and can adopt to any charges.
2 2.The Internet Layer : It is responsible for Addressing , Packaging
and routing messages on internet.
3 3. The Transport
Layer : It is responsible for providing
(Host –to –Host ) communication with application by acknowledging
and sequencing the packages to and from the application .
4 4. The Application Layer : It provides a variety of application with
the ability to access the services of lower layer. Some of the best known
application are HTTP , Telnet , FTP ,
SMTP etc.