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Web Server and Web Hosting

Functions provided by web server
·         Processing of HTTP request
·         Security services(SSL)
·         FTP(File Transfer Protocol)
·         SE(Search Engine)
·         Data capture
·         Email
·         Site management tool
Requesting a service/product is done by http. Server creates http response for which
·         Acknowledgement
·         Retrieves the request
·         Creates a response
·         Secured data/encrypted data is to be send to server.
Search Engine
Provides indexing of pages
Data Capture
Logs are stored in server
Google analytics provides logs in GUI fashion

System Architecture of Sever
Refers to the arrangement of software machinery and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality.
The development of web server applications and multi-tier system architecture is required to handle the processing loads of the web applications of the web applications ans so these servers have specialized software programs.

Web Hosting
Steps of E-Commerce
·         Web hosting and web administration
·         Web designing and development
·         Online transaction
·         Marketing and branding
·         Training and development
·         Management and control

Web hosting and web administration
You need to set up a server, rent a server space, go for domain name server registration and get access of Internet through ISP.

Web designing and development
Website designing can be either:
·         In-house
·         Outsourced
Factors that determine in house or outsourcing of a web designing
·         Availability of expertise
·         Developing mission critical application
·         Level of confidentiality required
·         Finance available
·         Maintenance control

Online transaction
Factors determining online transaction
·         Per transaction cost
·         Degree of control required
·         Improved cash flows
·         Building of trust
·         Fixed and variable cost included
·         Internet discounts
·         Charge back/fee


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