(a) Ascertaining the problem: As Peter Drucker points out, .the most common source of mistakes in the management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answers rather than the right questions.. The main task is to define the right problem in clear terms. The management may define the problem as the .Sales are declining. Actually, the decline of sales is symptomatic; the real problem may be somewhere else. For example the problem may be the poor quality of the product and you may be thanking of improving the quality of advertising. (b) Insufficient knowledge: For perfect rationality, total information leading to complete knowledge is necessary. An important function of a manager is to determine whether the dividing line is reached between insufficient knowledge and the enough information to make a decision. (c) Not enough time to be rational: The decision maker is under pressure to make decisions. If time is limited, he may make a hasty decision which may not satisfy the te...
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