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HTML COMMENTS HTML comments start with <! -- And end with -->. Each and every thing written within these characters will be ignored by the browsers. These are used to explain the purpose the HTML tags used in the documents. It can be used anywhere in the document. Following is the general syntax:- <! -- comment text --> TEXT FORMATTING PARAGRAPH HTML provides a <p> tag, which is used to start a new paragraph, escaping one line between new line and previous line. Following is the general syntax:- <p> this is a new paragraph </p> HEADING A web page contain different heading with different sizes, color and fonts. HTML provides different tags for such headings. There are 6 levels of headings h1 to h6, where h1 is the largest in size and h6 is the smallest. <h1> heading 1 </h1> <h2> heading 2 </h2> <h3> heading 3 </h3> <h4> heading 4 </h4> <h5> heading 5 </h5> <h6...

5 Simple Steps to Publish your Apps to Google and Blackberry Store.

Simple 5 Steps to develop Web Apps and publish it to Blackberry and Google App Store Ø       Step1 : Develop an HTML5 Page/App. (You can use JavaScript, CSS3, etc). Ø       Step2 : Build/Package it with Adobe Phone Gap.(Free to create Application for several Devices) §          URL : §          Phone Gap Build/Package must be in Release mode. Download .apk File. §          For Bar Files: Use “ “to convert .apk files to .bar files. Ø       Step3 : For Google app Store you have to create an Id (For this you have to pay $25). Blackberry is totally free but you have to provide some Govt. Issued DOB proof and name proof.(Driving License, etc) Ø       Step4 : Ready with all the Screen Shots, icon...

Types of E-Commerce

Types of E-Commerce   1.        Business-to-Business(B2B) Currently B2B is the biggest market in which businesses sell to other businesses. In a typical distribution system from the time the products are manufactured to the time they reach the customers they pass several layers of intermediaries such as retailer, distributor, whole sale marketing, manufacturer… The transactions occurring between such intermediaries is referred to as B2B. Business Model Description Example Net Market Place Market Place/Exchange Helps to bring the buyer and seller together to reduce the procurement cost for specific industry E-Distributor They connect businesses directly with other businesses reducing the cost cycle Service Provider Provides   online business services to the c...